About Us
Legal Awareness Watch Pakistan (LAW)
Legal Awareness Watch Pakistan (LAW) was registered in October 1999. LAW has been raising awareness in Pakistan on human rights of vulnerable prisoners i.e., children and women facing severe punishment i.e., life sentence without the prospect of parole and the death penalty. Similarly, LAW provides pro-bono legal defense to individuals particularly women and children facing or convicted of offences carrying life imprisonment and the death penalty.
Apart from this LAW also implements awareness-raising sessions and training workshops on child justice for capacity building of the stakeholders. This awareness project of LAW is to influence the lawmakers to abolish the use of the death penalty and life imprisonment practices upon children and women and to provide necessary skills and capacity to stakeholders making them aware of their duties and roles in the child justice or overall in the criminal justice system of Pakistan. Moreover, LAW regularly issues a newsletter ” The Juvenile Justice” which is getting circulated among stakeholders abroad, and within Pakistan to provide latest information and developments taking place in Pakistan and internationally. Juvenile Justice newsletter also entails information that our volunteers get to know of during their field operations or news that we collect through newspapers. Simply send us an email for subscription!